Yoga Therapy Alignment Program

Tailored for individuals seeking targeted solutions, this program utilizes specialized yoga therapy techniques, incorporating props like chairs, belts, bolsters, and light weights as needed. Our private sessions focus on correcting poor body posture, alleviating discomfort such as lower back pain and neck-shoulder issues, managing conditions like arthritis and asthma, and supporting recovery post-accident or surgery.  Immerse yourself in this curated wellness experience to receive personalized instructions and tools for sustained well-being. Your path to optimal health begins here.

Yoga Therapy Alignment Program


  • Private Yoga Therapy Sessions (45-60 mins each): Tailored sessions utilizing props like chairs, belts, bolsters, and light weights as needed.
  • Two Meals/Day: Nutritionally balanced meals to complement your wellness journey.
  • One Group Yoga Session/Day: Participate in a guided group yoga session focused on holistic well-being.
  • One Evening Meditation/Day: Calm your mind and enhance mindfulness with daily meditation sessions.
  • Pre-Assessment: Evaluate your current health status and set personalized goals.
  • Ayurvedic Consultation with Ayurvedic Doctor: Gain insights into your constitution and personalized Ayurvedic recommendations.
  • Body Composition Analysis: Understand your body composition for a holistic wellness approach.
  • Lifestyle and Diet Guidelines: Receive expert guidance on lifestyle adjustments and dietary choices.
  • 3 Ayurvedic Treatments: Experience rejuvenating Ayurvedic therapies to enhance overall well-being.
  • One Sound Healing Session: Immerse yourself in the therapeutic benefits of sound for mental and emotional balance.

Your typical Yoga Therapy Alignment Program

1. Who is this program for?

  • Individuals seeking targeted solutions for physical and mental well-being.
  • Those dealing with issues such as poor body posture, lower back pain, neck-shoulder discomfort, knee pain, wrist concerns, arthritis, and asthma.
  • Anyone on a path to recovery after an accident or surgery.
  • Individuals looking to enhance overall health, flexibility, resilience, and balance.

2. What problems do we solve?

  • Poor body posture correction.
  • Alleviation of lower back pain.
  • Relief from neck and shoulder discomfort.
  • Management of knee pain and wrist issues.
  • Support for conditions like arthritis and asthma.
  • Post-accident recovery and rehabilitation post-surgery.

Additional Information

  • Private sessions provide a valuable perspective on health, offering a practice routine for home use.
  • Duration of each private session: 45 to 60 minutes.
  • Requirement: Complete a provided health assessment form.

Embark on the Yoga Therapy Alignment Program to address specific health concerns, restore balance, and embrace a holistic approach to well-being.

Book this package
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